FaSt-SWOT blog: “From space to the Mediterranean: Chasing ocean currents”

A short documentary film captures the experience of IMEDEA and SOCIB oceanographers during the calibration campaign of the new SWOT satellite at the center of the FaST-SWOT project.

FaSt-SWOT blog: The tracking of the small eddy under SWOT swath continues

The second leg of the FaSt-SWOT campaign started on Sunday 7th May. Researchers went back to the same area sampled during FaSt-SWOT1. Despite heavy weather, they were able to identify a cold filament from the small eddy identified two weeks before.

FaSt-SWOT blog: Tracking a small eddy under SWOT swath

FaSt-SWOT 1, the first leg of the FaSt-SWOT campaign, successfully ended on Saturday 29th April. Thanks to the integration of multiple sampling platforms (continuous MVP, ADCP, TSG, 12 CTDs, 25 drifters, gopros cameras for macroplastic detection) researchers were able to detect a small scale eddy in the zone north-west of Mallorca.

FaSt-SWOT blog: The FaSt-SWOT campaign starts today

The R/V SOCIB left on April 25th from Mallorca for the first expedition of the FaSt-SWOT campaign. It will be cruising on the Northern waters of the island, collecting data with a wide variety of instruments including drift buoys, rosette samplers and buoys.

The new wave of oceanographers: Bàrbara Barceló-Lllull

Postdoctoral researcher focusing on in situ and satellite ocean observations to understand mesoscale and submesoscale dynamics as well as the inference of vertical motions and their impact on marine ecosystems.

FaSt-SWOT blog: New Jupyther Notebook to design Sampling strategy using a Moving Vessel Profiler (MVP)

A new Jupyter Notebook to design sampling strategy using a towed vehicle such as MVP, uCTD and Seasoar has been released by Bàrbara Barceló-Llull (IMEDEA, Spain) and Elisabet Verger-Miralles (UIB-IMEDEA, Spain).

Recommendations for the design of in situ sampling strategies to reconstruct fine-scale ocean currents in the context of SWOT satellite mission

How to optimize the design of in situ experiments aimed at reconstructing fine-scale ocean currents? Bàrbara Barceló-Llull and Ananda Pascual developed a set of simulations to evaluate different sampling strategies and their impact on the reconstruction of fine-scale sea level and surface ocean velocities.

Postdoctoral position on fine-scale ocean currents at IMEDEA

A one and a half postdoctoral position is open in the Oceanography and Climate Change Department at IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB) to join the team working at the FaSt-SWOT campaign.

The FaSt-SWOT campaign has been approved

The FaSt-SWOT campaign will focus on the role of fine scales in horizontal and vertical exchange in the upper ocean.