LAMTA: LAgrangian Manifolds Tracking Algorithm to compute numerical particle trajectories within ocean current 2D fields and derive series of Eulerian and Lagrangian diagnostics to detect and track (sub)mesoscale ocean features.

The Github notebook LAMTA is an open repository including codes integrated into SPASSO to compute Eulerian and Lagrangian diagnostics from velocity fields. 

LAMTA (LAgrangian Manifolds Tracking Algorithm) is a Python code designed to compute numerical particle trajectories within ocean current 2D fields and derive series of Eulerian and Lagrangian diagnostics to detect and track (sub)mesoscale ocean features. It can be used offline and independently from SPASSO to compute various Eulerian (Kinetic energy, Okubo-Weiss parameter) and Lagrangian (Lyapunov exponents, advection..) diagnostics using velocity fields from satellite data, model outputs or other current fields.

The public version will be published soon. If you want to start using LAMTA now, send an email to Louise Rousselet ( specifying your Github username.