SWOTALIS blog: Exciting day for our biologists
It is a lucky day for marine microbiologists and phytoplankton lovers on R/V Antea! Researchers finally saw of their subject of study without fancy microscopes but with their own eyes!
It is a lucky day for marine microbiologists and phytoplankton lovers on R/V Antea! Researchers finally saw of their subject of study without fancy microscopes but with their own eyes!
Hi, I’m Clément Vic , physical oceanographer at the Laboratoire d’Océanographie Physique et Spatiale (University of Brest, Ifremer, IRD, CNRS). I work on small scales in the ocean and flow-topography interactions. In this project, I’m interested in the life cycle of internal tides and their impact on the large-scale circulation and mixing of tracers. Internal tides are internal waves of tidal frequencies that are generated by tidal currents sloshing back and forth on steep seafloor slopes. These
Ready for some scientific objectives and preliminary results?
Hello from the R/V Antea, the Southwestern Tropical Pacific is calling! The second out of three legs has successfully started and after a short transit from Nouméa (New Caledonia) in rough sea conditions, we are currently just south of the main island in our study region beneath the SWOT fast-sampling trajectory. The weather has calmed down, so we are set to begin our measurements!
Postdoctoral researcher working on oceanic fine scales and current-topography interactions in New Caledonia.
PhD student in physical oceanography who is interested at the mesoscale to submesoscale eddy field and their interaction with the large-scale flow and submesoscale processes using different observational platforms, remote sensing, and high-resolution modelling. Arne Bendinger started his career started at the University of Kiel in cooperation with the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research and specialized in physical oceanography. During his studies, he participated in several offshore, worked working as a student assistant in the GEOMAR working group, and took part in the exchange program