The C-SWOT campaign just started on March 21st in Toulon on the French Mediterranean coast.
We are three PhD students from the Laboratoire d’Oceanographie Physique et Spatiale (Brest) on board R/V L’Atalante to cover this blog : Lenaïg, Jean-Baptiste and Alexandre.
C-SWOT is joint cooperative mission between SHOM and Ifremer, we plan to first study the Cassidaigne Canyon just offshore Marseille, and then sail between Marseille and Menorca right under the SWOT satellite swath. We expect to deploy moorings, drifting buoys, 2 turbulence profilers, an autonomous glider and 2 towed CTD (SeaSoars).
A special feature in C-SWOT campaign would be to measure ocean currents with 2 ships, N/O Thetys II sailing from March 27th for 3 weeks of joint measurements with R/V L’Atalante. This particular configuration will allow to spot velocities gradients, and improve comparison with SWOT data.
Together we will present along this cruise life on board with the crew, the different scientists on board, and instruments deployed.
The C-SWOT-2023 campaign | The C-SWOT 2023 blog | All the blogs